
Strategy chess horse

Strategy+Tech ID

Strategy Management for Technology Identification:

Overall bioactive commercialization strategy development

Genomic / Transcriptomic target identification

Assay development/HTS

Material identification validation assessment

Material commercial potential

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Intellectual Property

Whitespace assessment

Portfolio management

Filing strategy maximization

Application strategy

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Acquisition Assessment

Acquisition Assessment Valuation:

Successful acquisitions require reliable, accurate and competent information. When armed with a valuation from our team, you will have the information necessary to execute the optimal strategy.

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Scientific Strategy + Experimental Design

Scientific research requires a logical progression of steps that clearly define and focus the work being done. Research is rarely linear. As scientists, we must be flexible, creative, and willing to change strategies. Persistence is essential.

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Problem Definition

This is where the magic happens.

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Clinical Program Design

Study design – testing the question

Institutional review board application process

Next Steps...

Moving from ideas to products takes the right strategy.  Ready to start the conversation?